27 March, 2017

Most people will go for expensive facials just to give instant glow to their faces and to prevent saggy skin on their faces.You can do your own facial at your home comfortably by following these 4 steps

Step 1 – CleaningFirst clean your face with a mixture of milk and Dabur Gulabari or any other gulab jal mixed with cold water. Then again clean with rose water using a cotton ball. Then apply milk over your face and let it dry. Finally wash it with cold water.

Step 2 – ScrubbingPrepare the scrub by mixing following together 2 tablespoon of sugar + 1 tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil + 1 large lemon juice. Gently massage your face in a circular pattern after you apply the scrub in your face.

Step 3 – SteamingTake a towel soaked in  hot water without the excess water, then apply over your face for about 5 minutes.

Step 4 – Face massage and maskPrepare a mixture of honey and lemon juice  by mixing them equally and apply it on your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes and wash it with normal water. 

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