21 February, 2014

One day, Prince Siddhartha asked his charioteer friend named ‘Channa” to take him on a ride through the countryside to the royal gardens outside the city walls. But the king did not want Siddhartha to know that.When Prince Siddhartha went out, King Suddhodana given order to the people of the city “Have the houses along the road to the city cleaned and decorated. Make the roads sweet with incense and have the people dressed in colourful clothing. Make certain that all the beggars, the old and the sick stay indoors until the prince has left.”

The First Sight - Old Age

On this journey, he was shocked by the sudden sigh of a wrinkled old man. It was the first time in his life that he had seen an old man of this type. Prince had question about him and asked from Channa. "What is that, Channa? That really cannot be a man! Why is he all bent? What is he trembling for? Why is his hair silver-grey, not black like mine? What is wrong with his eyes? Where are his teeth? Is this how some people are born? Tell me, oh good Channa, what does this mean?"

Channa told the prince that it was an old man and he was not born like that. "When young he was like us and now, due to his old age he has become this way." Channa told the prince to forget this man. But the prince was not satisfied. "Everyone in the world, if he lives long enough, becomes like this man. It cannot be stopped," This was shocking news to Siddhartha, and   he asked Channa to return to palace. On the way back, he questioned Channa and learnt that life was not merry for many as it was for him.

The First Sight - Old Age

That night there was a grand royal feast for the prince, but he was not interested or happy at all during the dinner and dance. He was thinking all the time, "Some day you will all grow old and frail and bent — every one of you, even the prettiest."

The Second Sight - Man with sickness

The king very unwillingly allowed the prince to visit the city a second time. He thought it would do no good to try to stop him, and would only add to his confusion and unhappiness. On his second visit to the city the king did not warn the people to be ready or to prepare the streets.

As the two walked along they came across a man on the ground, twisting his body, holding his stomach with both hands and crying out in pain at the top of his voice. All over his face and body were purple patches, his eyes were rolling, and he was gasping for breath.

Prince asked "Channa, tell me why this man is like this, what is the matter with his breath? Why does he not talk?"

Channa said “My Prince this man is sick. His blood is poisoned. He has plague fever and it is burning all over his body. That is why he is crying loudly without being able to speak."

Again prince asked “But are there any other men like this? Can no one help it? Will everyone be sick? Can it happen at any time by surprise?”

Channa Said “Yes my Prince and you may be the next if you touch him, everyone in this world. No one can stop it and it can happen any time. Anyone may fall ill and suffer”

The Second Sight - Man with Sickness

The prince was even sadder as he returned to the palace the second time. Siddhartha was very dissatisfied and depressed and was often seen in deep thought.

The Third Sight - Corpse

Time passed; the prince asked again for the king's permission to leave the palace to learn more of life in the city. The king agreed, as he knew there was nothing to gain by trying to stop his son.

This time, again wearing the clothes of noblemen, Siddhartha and Channa went out from the palace and walked in many parts of Kapilavatthu. After they had journeyed a good part of the day, the prince saw a crowd of people coming along the street crying, while four men at the back were carrying a plank on which a very thin man lay flat and still. The carried man was like a stone, never saying a word. The crowd soon stopped and the plank bearers rested the person down on a pile of wood and set the wood on fire. The man did not move as the flames were burning the plank, and then his body, from all sides

Prince asked from Channa what was the happen was that. Channa answered “He was dead; all living things must die someday. No one can stop death from coming”

The Third Sight - Corpse

The prince was so shocked he did not say anything more. He thought that it was terrible that such a thing called death should come to everybody, even kings and queens. Very sadly he pondered, "Everyone in the world must die some day; no one has found out how to stop it. There must be a way to stop it. I must find it out and help the whole world."

The Fourth Sight - A Monk

After many days of contemplation and distress, Siddhartha visited the city for the fourth time. As he was driving to the park he saw a happy man wearing an orange coloured robe. He asked Channa, "Who is this man wearing an orange robe? His hair is shaved off. Why does he look so happy? How does he live and what does he do for a living?"

"That is a monk." replied Channa, "He lives in a temple, goes from house to house for his food and goes from place to place telling people how to be peaceful and good." The prince felt very happy now. He thought, "I must become one like that," as he walked through the park.

The Fourth Sight - A Monk
He walked until he was tired, then sat under a tree to think some more. As he was sitting under the cool shady tree, news came that his wife had given birth to a fine baby boy.

To Read Post One Click "The Life in brief of Buddha (Post 1)"

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