Coconut oil has been a common sight in Asian and Pacific
households for ages, but why is it that today all over the world the health
benefits of coconut oil are being rediscovered? Did you know that there was a
time in history when western countries, like the US and Canada, were huge
consumers of coconut oil? But what happened back then?
How Did Coconut Oil Disappear
From Our Kitchen Tables
Cardiovascular diseases where skyrocketing and becoming the
primary cause of mortality in the sixties. The corn and soy oil production,
supported by the American Heart Association, set up a negative propaganda
campaign to spread the word that coconut oil was dangerous for your body due to
the high saturated fat level.
You’ve probably all been told a thousand times that
saturated fats are bad for your health and lead to all sorts of diseases like
high cholesterol, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer’s. But why is
it that since then Americans who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, obesity,
high cholesterol and Alzheimer’s has been rising while they made the switch to
hydrogenated polyunsaturated oils?
In fact multiple studies on Pacific and Asian populations,
where the intake of coconut oil is high, show nearly no cardiovascular diseases
and they are in perfect health. So obviously the coconut oil is not to be
blamed for the clogged arteries and other cardiovascular diseases that
Americans are struggling with.
But unfortunately the poorer tropical oil industry couldn’t
afford to put up a campaign against the negative propaganda supported by the
rich American soy and corn industry. Competition and a lot of money from the
vegetable oil industry expelled the use of coconut oil, but finally it is
gaining back its popularity. And you’re about to discover why we should give it
a second life.
Not All Saturated Fats Are Bad
For Your Health
Coconut oil consist mostly out of lauric acid, a small
medium chain saturated fatty acid or triglyceride. Lauric acid has a more
neutral effect on heart health when compared with other long-chain saturated
fats found in meat and dairy. Medium- chain fats are easily metabolized into
energy and less likely to be stored as fat within your body.
Not all fats are “created” equally. Some occur naturally and
others are man-made through a process called hydrogenation. Those fats are
known as trans-fats or hydrogenated polyunsaturated fats. They should be avoid
like the plague. Trans-fats have been closely associated with heart disease
because they not only increase LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol but impede the body’s
ability to utilize HDL or ‘good cholesterol. Most common vegetable and seed
oils contain long chain fatty acids. Those larger molecules are more difficult
to breakdown and therefore stored as fat. The only benefit of those trans-fats
are its food shelf life and corporate profits
Discover 9 Amazing Health Benefits
Of Coconut Oil
The unique combination of fatty acids found in coconut oil
have a profound positive effect on your health. And I’m the living proof… I was
born with a heart rhythm disorder and high cholesterol. Since I’ve started to
use coconut oil a few years ago, my cholesterol level dropped to a more normal
and stable level again.
1. Heart Health
For years people believed that coconut oil was the enemy
that caused obesity, clogged arteries and many other cardiovascular disease all
around America. But those claims where funded by big corporates and were never
Actually, the saturated fats in coconut oil do not harm the
blood lipid profile. The medium chained fats directly go to the liver where
they are metabolized for energy or turned into ketone bodies, which are
transported from the liver to other tissues to produce energy. Out of my own
experience, and research also proves this, fatty acids presented in coconut oil
improve cholesterol levels and reduce a high blood pressure. So it actually
helps to prevent heart attacks, strokes and keep arteries flexible and prevent
atherosclerosis. You can find here more information how to lower cholesterol,
and how to reduce high blood pressure naturally.
2. Boost Metabolism
And Burns Fat
Coconut oil is abundantly used in tropical regions where the
people tend to be slim and not overweight. The fatty acids are easily digested
and converted into energy, meaning they will not be stored as body fat like
most other fats. And on top of that coconut oil contains fewer calories in
comparison with other cooking oils and increase the metabolic rate. And one
more interesting fact, the ketone bodies can have an appetite reducing effect.
Find here more information about additional foods that can increase your
3. Boost Immune
The saturated fats found in coconut oil contain
antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic properties which
strengthen your immune system. Find here more information on how to boost your
immune system.
4. Boosting Your
It is believed that polyunsaturated oils and soy are
negatively interfering with your thyroid activity, causing imbalances in
hormone levels. Coconut oil can help you to put your underactive thyroid gland
back to action.
5. Beneficial For
Alzheimer’s And Other Neurological Diseases
The medium-chain triglycerides found in coconut oil are
readily converted into fuel used by brain cells for an improved brain function.
Find here additional foods and supplements to delay Alzheimer’s disease and
6. Digestion
The medium chain fatty acids are easily digested with less
strain on the pancreas and digestive system. Coconut oil has anti-microbial
properties which help to fight indigestion-causing bacteria, fungi and
parasites. Coconut oil can effectively be used to prevent and cure candida.
Candida is the excessive and uncontrolled growth, in your stomach, of a yeast
called Candida Albicans. But that’s not all! Coconut oil helps the body to
adsorb vitamins, minerals and amino acids even better and improves bowel
7. Reduces Symptoms
And Risks Of Diabetes
Coconut oil helps to control and improve the insulin
secretion and glucose in the blood will be used more effectively. Like
mentioned before, coconut oil is immediately converted into energy or ketone
bodies. Ketones are a perfect alternative fuel to glucose. You can find here
additional foods to control diabetes.
8. Skin
Coconut oil even benefits your skin and is well known for
its anti-aging, moisturizing and regenerative effects. Coconut oil maintains
body’s antioxidant reserves whereas other oils deplete them. As a natural SPF,
coconut oil protects your skin against harmful and damaging UV rays.
But the list goes on: coconut oil also helps in treating
various skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and many more. No
wonder that coconut oil forms the base ingredient of many of our body care
products. And more good news, coconut oil can safely be used for your babies
and young children too. Find here more information about the best fruit oils
for skin care.
9. Hair
Coconut oil has been used in homemade and commercial
shampoos for ages. It is well known for healthy hair growth, shiny looks,
repair damaged hair, aids to control dandruff and in ancient medicine used as a
natural lice remover.
Remember… Always opt for organic, virgin coconut oil and
avoid all the refined stuff!!! And despite the many health benefits of coconut
oil and although coconut is a far better option for you to choose, like many
things in life, moderation is the key. This means that up to 3 tbsp. daily per
adult is an appropriate dose.
About Author
Amy Goodrich is a yogini and dedicated blogger who loves living a natural, eco-friendly and healthy lifestyle. Visit her website