10 November, 2015

The pineapple is a one of famous fruit with many health benefits.  It’s second only to bananas as America's favorite tropical fruit.

In this you can learn how to grow your own chemical-free and fresh Pineapple plant. Growing your own foods has become quite a trend, and there are two great reasons for this: you get pesticide-free produce and save money at the same time. So you don’t want to buy GMO foods on next time.
Anyway, you need something to begin with, so here we provide some useful guidelines for your very first home-grown pineapple. Providing you give it all the proper care, it will grow into a wonderful pineapple tree and will bear tasty mellow fruits.

There are however some basic facts you should familiarize yourself with before planting a pineapple:

1. Pineapples are bromeliads, which means they don’t have any seeds.

2. They don’t require much water, so only small water amounts will suffice.

3. Pineapple can grow in hot and sunny climates, but it can also flourish in shade.

4. Pineapples don’t have big roots, so they don’t ask for large quantities of high quality soil, which saves money as well.

Pineapples thrive in slightly acidic soil, which lots of gardens already have, so you only need to take some soil from your garden to fill the planting pot.

This is what you need to grow a pineapple successfully:
  • a pineapple of any size
  • a little glass water container
  • a planter
  • soil

Step 1: Buy a ripe pineapple making sure it doesn’t have any soft spots on its thick rough skin. It’s advisable to obtain an organic pineapple, so that your home-grown pineapple grows organic as well.

Step 2: Wash the fruit, then lay it on a cutting board.

Step 3: Cut the crown (the leafy green area) along with an inch or two (2.5-5 cm) of the fruit flesh. Dry the crown in the sun for a couple of days. After this, pull out only the outer rigid leaves, and leave the inside ones. Place the pineapple crown into a small glass container with about half an inch (1cm) of clean water, so that the bottom is dipped into the water, while the leaves float above the water level.

Step 4: Keep the glass container in a sunny place, next to a window pane or outside in your garden for no less than 2 weeks. Change the water every 2 or 3 days.

Step 5: In two weeks, the crown will start developing roots and will be set for planting, so arrangean adequate planter with some quality soil.

Water your plant just enough to keep the soil moist.  We recommend you expose it to sunlight for at least 6 hours a day,and in your home or in a shade for the rest of the day.

It will take a year before your pineapple gets too large for the planter.  After that, replant it in a bigger pot or plant it directly in your garden.

Your first organic pineapple will be ripe in 12 months if not sooner!
Source : healthyfoodteam

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