21 April, 2014

The Nine Transcendental Conditions of Holiness or The Metaphysical Doctrine of the Buddha

By the practice of Wisdom (right understanding, right mindedness), virtue (right speech, right action, and right living) and  by the practice of concentration, by diligently exercising religious  meditation on his body and its transiency, misery and selflessness,  the disciple of the Buddha is enabled to enter the Four Paths  of Holiness, where he comes freed of the “TEN FETTERS”  (Dasa Samyojanani) which bind human beings to the CIRCLE  OF REBIRTH, thus successively passing through the Four  Stages of Holiness (Path and fruit) which all end in NIRVANA

The TEN FETTERS that bind us to the Circle of Rebirth are :

  1. Belief in personality (Sakkayaditthi);
  2. Doubt (Vicikiccha) 
  3. Faith in the efficiency of rites
  4. Sensual Desire
  5. Ill-will
  6. The love of life on earth (Rupa-Raga)
  7. Desire for a future life in heaven (Arupa-Raga)
  8. Self-consciousness or Pride
  9. Self-righteousness
  10. Avijja (Ignorance of Annicca-Dhukkha-Anatta). 

  1. Sotapatti-Magga (path), Sotapatthi-Phala (fruit); 
  2. Sakadagami-Magga; Sakadagami-Phala; 
  3. Anagami-Magga; Anagami-Phala; 
  4. Arahatta-Magga; Arahatta-Phala;  
The SOTAPANNO or “stream-enterer”, so called because he has entered the stream that flows to Nirvana, enjoys the first stage of Sainthood. He has overcome the belief in personality, doubt, and the belief in efficacy of rites and has the three advantages from the worldling (Puthujjano), namely: — He cannot be reborn lower than as a human being, having escaped the four Apayas: hell, animal life, spirits and demons; and he cannot commit the six grave offences: patricide, matricide, killing of an Arahat, wounding a Buddha, creating a schism, and following other teachers. Even under most unfavourable conditions he will not be reborn more than seven times before he attains Nirvana.

The SAKADAGAMI has likewise overcome the Three First Fetters, but in addition to this has greatly diminished sensual desire and anger and also ignorance. He has become a “Once- Returner” and will only be born in the Devaloka (heaven) from where he will attain Nirvana.

The ANAGAMI: At this stage of Holiness all Five Fetters have been conquered. The disciple has rejected sensual pleasure and ill-will and shall no more return to this earth; he will be born as a heavenly being and shall attain Nirvana from there as soon as the effects of his Karmic forces have exhausted themselves. This may occur a long time after he has been born in heaven.

The ARAHAT: The disciple, who may pass successively through the three first stages of holiness even in this life, reaches the stage of Arahatship, as soon as he has been able to overcome all Ten Fetters which make all men subject to the power of their Karma; and thus causing them to be chained to the Circle of Rebirth. The fruits of having overcome all Fetters are manifold. He becomes Arahat, the highest stage of holiness and as such has vanquished all human passion. He has neither likes nor dislikes, he feels no craving, he has no delusion, nor ignorance, and yet he is still alive, a man still subject to physical pain; but his life is not prolonged more than that of normal men. But he is a man purified, exalted. However greatly tempted he cannot commit any sins, for his heart is purified of passion. 

Source :  ‘Buddhism An Introduction’ by Dr. Luang Suruabongs

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