21 March, 2016

Feel like you’ve picked up some bad vibes lately?

Whether it’s due to exposure from a negative environment or just a case of the blues, your aura can pick up some bad energy. Cleansing yourself of these vibrations is the smart and healthy thing to do.
To make this spiritual chore a little more interesting, why not use the four elements?


Remember that old saying, “Out with the bad air, in with the good?’ Well, it can actually help you remove negative energy from your body while cleansing your aura. All you need to do is take a few good, deep cleansing breaths.

Start by sitting up straight or standing tall. Inhale to the count of four and then exhale to the count of four. Make sure that you are breathing from the diaphragm rather than the chest. You should notice your belly moving up and down if you are performing this correctly. Continue for about five minutes or until you feel a significant change in your body and mood.

Ever notice how time spent in nature makes you feel good all over? Walking barefoot in the grass or hugging a tree is especially beneficial. There’s something about connecting with the earth that provides comfort.

The earth has gravitational pull and a frequency all its own. When you connect with the earth it can act like a magnet and suck out the negative energy from your aura. Essentially it acts like a grounding rod, but instead of absorbing the energy from a lightning strike, it absorbs those bad vibes hanging out in your aura.

So go ahead, spend some time in the garden, dig in the dirt or just sit on the ground. Mother Earth will help rid you of those low vibrations. And don’t worry, she can handle it—just make sure you give thanks!

Since ancient times, fire has ritually been used for purification. Sacred fires often graced temples and are still used today in the form of candles, firepots and fire bowls. In addition to creating hallowed space, fire can also purify and cleanse your aura.

Whether you choose to sit in front of a fireplace, hang out by a campfire, or simply burn a few candles, spending time near fire is healing. It will help move stagnant and negative auric energy and transmute it into positive vibrations.

If you’re nowhere near a fire source, you can still use this element to clear your aura. All you need to do is visualize yourself engulfed in violet flames. See them consuming all the bad vibrations within your personal space. This is a simplified version of the Violet Flame Meditation or VFM, a powerful spiritual tool.

Last but not least, the water element can also help cleanse and clear your aura. Holy water is perhaps the easiest way to work with this element. Blessing or anointing yourself with it while saying a prayer or invocation can instantly remove negative vibrations from your aura.

Baths and showers can also help you wash away the negativity. While in the water, be sure to visualize those bad vibes going down the drain.

If you’re looking for something a little more exciting, consider taking a trip to the ocean. The negative ions produced by the ocean penetrate the air, creating positive energy to push out the bad. Here you’re working with both water and air.

So the next time your aura needs cleansing, try working with one or all of the elements!

Source Credits : psychicsuniverse

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