If you are trying to raise vibration and like to discover your
true self, I’m sure this will be help to you.
“Your frequency is what you frequently see. Pay attention to
synchronicity as there are valuable lessons to be learned in the repetition of
your reality.” ― Jennifer Sodini
Everything in nature/universe is vibrating at different
frequencies – be it a tree, a rock or a man. Even the planet we live on is a
conscious, sentient being vibrating at a certain song. We are made up of cells,
which are made up of elements (atoms), and according to the popular String
theory, the building block of any element in nature is the vibrating string of
Your thoughts and feelings too have a vibrating frequency,
which creates your reality. Several wisdom teachings talks about how our inner world
affects the outer world. If you want to change what you experience then you
need to change your vibration.
What does it mean to operate on a high vibration?
High Vibration – Empowering thought, Low vibration –
Dis-empowering thought
When you raise your vibration you begin to resonate at a
higher frequency and you are connected with your true self. Your thinking is
clear, positive and focused. Imagine, you are a violin string and the bow of
the violin is your thoughts. When the bow of the violin vibrates on the string
appropriately, it produces a pleasant sound. But if the bow draws on the violin
inappropriately, one cannot tolerate the screeching of the instrument for long.
When you think positive, you will vibrate at a higher
frequency as your whole body feels good, and positive emotions like excitement,
anticipation and happiness become the norm. From this analogy, we can conclude
your thoughts are responsible for your vibration (high or low).
The human mind is like a monkey jumping from one tree of
thought to another, and because of our own complex cobweb of thoughts, we end
up attracting mixed energy that brings our energy levels down. To operate on a
high vibration you would rather choose to think good thoughts which will lead
to expansion of positive energy in your body and omit negative thoughts to
eradicate the possibility of operating on a low vibration.
However, as I mentioned before, how you want your music to
sound depends on you and here are few ways to find your own high vibrating
frequency -
Love Yourself
The first obstacle that will prevent you from operating on a
higher/happier frequency is your idea of yourself. As long as you carry that
image in your head about you, you will never be able to love yourself
unconditionally. You will never know that life is larger than skinny or obese,
dark or white, six pack abs or no abs. Once you let go of that guilt or pride which
is standing like a monster in your way to find yourself, you will realize how
beauty isn’t synonymous to a condition. You are born with a beautiful soul.
The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express
– Francis Bacon
Perspective is only a Matter of Perception
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look
at change.” ― Wayne W. Dyer
Looking at the world from a set of perspectives which has
been conditioned into your head ever since you were born is like wearing the
same set of dirty/unwashed clothes daily. We are not ready to look at a
situation from a 360 degree angle, which is harmful for the expansion of the
The capacity of the mind to expand and evolve is
unmeasurable. And most of our worries, troubles exist because we lack the
caliber to accept changes when the only thing constant is change! We fear
change because our self-perception has laid its unshakable foundation and our
ego is having trouble breaking it. But change doesn’t wait for the
self-perception to mellow down. It just happens and it depends on us how soon
we realise it and embrace the change. Don’t let your clouded perception of the
matter trouble you and lower your vibrations.
Re-boot yourself daily
“People often say that Motivation doesn’t last. Well,
neither does bathing- that’s why we recommend it daily.”- Zig Ziglar.
You need food on daily basis to survive. It’s not like you
can consume one week of food required by your body at once! Your mind is also
on the same platform. You don’t have to function on a same energy plane as
yesterday. Strive to evolve mentally on a daily basis. Choose to introspect and
diagnose. A thought which was troubling you yesterday, shouldn’t be troubling
you today. Hence, re-boot. Let go of the situation. Feel vulnerable, and then
you will find your strength in that vulnerability.
Don’t be stuck in an unhealthy state of mind
Nothing is here to stay! Not even your unhealthy state of
mind. Because your true nature is to be happy. Do not waste your time dwelling
in negative emotions if you are unable to control your present. Nothing can be
controlled. And your dull state of mind is only adding to the problem by
lowering your vibration. If you find yourself dispirited because of your
present, be wise to remind yourself that nothing is here to last.
Once you make an attempt to change your gloomy state of
mind, you will be filled with that much needed courage to ease out your
situation and feel at peace. “And once the storm is over you won’t remember how
you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in
fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come
out of the storm you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this
storm’s all about.”- Murakami
Be Non-Judgmental
Liberate yourself from judgment and comparison. When you let
go of the need to compare and judge anybody or even those who judge you, you
will experience a paradigm shift in your thought patterns.
All the judgment and comparison is the pollution of your
mind, and it doesn’t lead you to a better place; but only deviates you from
yourself. You know who you are or want to be. As you do this, you will observe
you have a permanent sense of peace within you and your need to seek validation
has disappeared. Once you commence this journey, there is no looking back as
you keep vibrating on a higher energy scale everyday and life flows through you
without any resistance from your end.
“Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already
a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it,
to realize it.” ― Osho
You've been hearing it everywhere. Your vibration, or the
pattern of your thoughts, attitudes and actions, is what creates your reality.
Watch this video. There are 21 Ways to Raise Your Vibration.
About Author
This Article was written by Garima Roy, He is former Radio host
and an Independent Writer/ Journalist, loves to explore the world with her
mind. Joy is her natural state of being.