31 October, 2015

Garlic is one of the super plants that you can grow indoors. It is very easy and inexpensive. Plus, eating garlic will work miracles for your health, since it contains nitrogenous substances, sodium, potassium, selenium, magnesium, calcium, silicon, phosphoric acid, sulfuric, vitamins C, D and B, phytosterols, extractives, and essential oils. It is also rich in phytoncides, such as allicin, which forms when you crush or grind garlic cloves. According to some researchers, allicin has a strong bacteriostatic effect which will help you cure infections faster. Garlic is also known to fight fungal infections, which makes it a much more valuable medicine than many of today’s antibiotics.

How to Grow an Endless Supply of Garlic Indoors

You will need:
  • One head of garlic
  • Potting soil
  • A container
First of all, make sure that you have a good garlic head.

Fill a large pot with potting soil. Break the garlic cloves apart and sow each clove vertically into the soil at a depth of 1 inch.

Cover the cloves with soil. There should be about 1 inch of soil over the cloves.

Place the pot in an area that gets plenty of direct sunlight and keep an eye on the soil and water it when it starts to dry out.

Clip off the greens when they grow about 3 – 4 inches tall, but leave about an inch or so for it to re-grow. The greens will stop growing eventually.

When the plant turns brown and dries up, dig the garlic cloves that you planted and you should have a full bulb. Take a clove from that and start over!

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