16 June, 2016

The Himalayan Salt lamp is becoming a very popular addition to people’s living areas. Using a Himalayan salt lamp is like bringing the outdoors inside. Have you ever noticed that you feel better by spending time outside, especially if you are nearby water, like an ocean or waterfall? The same is true for after a rainstorm. This is because the air is filled with negative ions. Negative ions are good.

To give you some perspective, in locations such as the beach, there are up to 10,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. A place such as a city will be as low as 100 ions per cubic centimeter.

Body detoxification, respiratory support and relaxation are some of the reported health benefits of this mineral rich salt.
What is a Himalayan Salt Lamp
It is a large solid salt crystal or it can be chunks of salt crystals displayed in a beautiful salt bowl. The salt is heated by an electrical source like a light bulb or heated with a candle. The warmed salt emits negative ions purifying the air.

Positive and Negative Ions
Ions can be positive or negative because they are unbalanced molecules. Electrons and neutrons are unequal in ions.

Positive Ions:
When it comes to ions, positive ions will not create a positive experience. Positive ions are created when microwaves, vacuum cleaners, electrical equipment and air conditioners stir up the air irritating our airways causing coughing and sneezing. Positive ions can also contribute to stress, trouble sleeping, migraines, asthma and other respiratory illnesses. Fortunately a negative ion can unbalance positive ions and purify the air

Negative Ions:
Negative ions are created by many beautiful acts in nature. The roar of a waterfall, crashing of large waves onto the beach, the electric charge of the air during a lightning storm, the bright shining sun uninterrupted by a single cloud can charge, exhilarate and refresh our bodies. These moments in nature naturally create 10,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter, a busy city creates 100 negative ions per cubic centimeter.

“Negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness and more mental energy,” says Pierce J. Howard, PhD, author of The Owners Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research, and director of research at the Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences in Charlotte, N.C.

How does the Himalayan Salt Lamp work
The salt lamp doesn’t actually create negative ions itself. It supports the environment for the negative ions to thrive. Salt naturally attracts humidity from the air. The heat from the lamps heating element causes the moisture within the salt to evaporate which does release negative ions.

Where is the Himalayan Salt sourced from
In the foothills of Pakistan, you will find the salt mines of the Himalayan mountains. It is said that Himalayan salt was first discovered in 326 BC, by Alexander the Great. The salt mines of Khewra are the 2nd largest salt mines in the world producing 325,000 tons annually from 500 feet underground. These mines were created over millions of years from the evaporation of inland sea water creating salt veins in the mountains. The salt is harvested with a similar technique used in coal mining. The same salt is used for cooking as well as used for the lamps but the process of collecting the salt is slightly different.

Since ancient times in Greece, salt therapy has been practiced. Salt room therapy is a room that has dry salt enriched air to be inhaled with natural breathing. It dissolves phlegm, kills microorganisms and reduces inflammation while strengthening the immune system. In European countries, these treatment rooms have a 90% success rate in children under the age of 7. This treatment reduces the need for medication to relieve symptoms. For adults the success rate is 70%. Back in the 19th century, Polish salt caves were a known treatment for respiratory ailments much like our modern day salt rooms. Even something as simple as gargling salt water can sooth mouth sores or a tender throat, and swimming in the ocean can provide relief from skin rashes.

How can we utilize the Himalayan Salt Lamp for its benefits
Place the salt Crystal lamp near your most common resting points in your living area to enjoy the negative ions and the color therapy of the soft peach, cream and pink colors of the Himalayan salt crystal. The lamps work especially well near computer and televisions.

Himalayan salt lamps are a wonderful addition to a child’s room as a soothing nightlight while they inhale the benefits of the negative ions and are comforted by the warm colors. Leave the lamps on as long as you like, it is completely silent.

Himalayan Salt Lamps are a welcomed addition to people’s living spaces, especially in the winter months when we aren’t as likely to spend much time outdoors.

One in three of us are sensitive to the effects of negative ions. They can give us the feeling of walking on air. Do you feel instantly refreshed the moment you open a window and take a deep breath of the fresh humid air?

However and wherever you choose to experience the healing properties of Himalayan Salt Lamps is up to you. It is one of the greatest things you could ever own.

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