Cooking can be a very good idea. But some vegetables are not
made for that, because they shall be eaten raw and if heating cruciferous
vegetables (part of the Brassica family) actually destroys their unique
anti-carcinogenic potential. That’s
because crucifers, unlike other types of vegetables, are high in glucosinolate,
a plant compound that produces naturally occurring small molecules called
isothiocyanates, which have been shown to fight cancer. It should be noted that
people with goiter or hypothyroidism must limit their intake of cruciferous
vegetables, which are goitrogenic.
We are going to present you several vegetables that are more
useful to be eaten raw, and they are used for prevent their water-soluble
vitamins from leaching out during cooking process.
1. Arugula
In Italy, raw arugula is often added to pizza after baking
so that it doesn’t wilt and coarsely chopped arugula is often added to pasta.
In her book The Oxford Companion to Italian Food, Gillian Reilly notes that
arugula is a part of “many unpretentious recipes in which it is added, chopped,
to sauces and cooked dishes.”
2. Bok choy
Bok choy, a type of Chinese cabbage, was ranked second for
nutrient density out of 41 “powerhouse” fruits and vegetables by the U.S.
Center for Disease Control. Bok choy is delicious raw: Just chop it up and add
to your favorite salad or simply toss with a light dressing.
3. Broccoli
It is rich in vitamin C. only half cup gives us
52mg, like an recommended dietary allowance for an adult which is 60 mg. Of all
the cruciferous vegetables, broccoli has the highest level of carotenoids,
which may reduce the risk of renal cancer and lung cancer
4. Cabbage
In addition to its possible cancer-fighting properties,
cabbage is an excellent source of vitamins C and K, containing more than 20
percent of the daily value for each per serving. Cabbage has also been used
throughout history as an herbal remedy. The Greek used it as a laxative while
ancient Roman nobleman Pliny the Elder recommended eating cabbage to cure
hangovers. For a delicious raw cabbage dish, simply chop it up and toss it with
lemon, garlic and olive oil.
5. Kale
Kale has become such a fashionable vegetable, but in
ancient times, it was one of the most common green vegetables in Europe. In
addition to its cancer-fighting properties, kale is very high in vitamins C and
K, calcium and beta carotene, which has been used to reduce the risk of breast
cancer in women before menopause, and the risk of age-related macular
degeneration. For a delicious and simple raw kale salad, just chop it up,
massage the leaves with olive oil and toss in a little lemon juice and black
Source : healthysolutionsbenefit