Toothache is one of the oldest pains known to humans. Even
the first cavemen suffered from it, but they had no dentists to help them so
they instead relied on natural remedies. These remedies are efficient and
easily made, and that’s the reason why people aren’t giving them up yet.
However, the main reason we use natural remedies for toothache is that we are
afraid of going to the dentist because we fear the invasive method. Sadly, you
must go to the dentist, but at least you can relieve the toothache until you
make an appointment.
The following remedies will help you relieve the pain:
Clove oil
Clove oil is full of eugeno which is natural anesthetic that
works great.. You need to put some drops it on a cotton ball and apply it on
painful tooth – it will temporarily numb the area. But, you must be careful not
to let clove oil contact sensitive areas or tongue as you can experience pain.
Peppermint tea bags
Peppermint – most popular ways to relieve toothache due to
its numbing properties and the calming effect. Apply either a cooled peppermint
tea bag on the affected tooth, or freeze tea bag and then apply it on the
painful area. This solution is temporary – the pain should be back after an
hour or so.
Bourbon-soaked cotton ball
This treatment is for adults only!
Bourbon has strong numbing properties. Dip a cotton ball in
bourbon, apply on painful tooth. Temporary relieves the pain for a while.
It's a strong antibiotic, it can inhibit the growth of
bacteria which harms your teeth. Mash some garlic and salt, apply paste on the
painful area. More effects come if you chew a clove of garlic, then just wash
your teeth and chew some parsley afterwards. It is a safe, and just temporary.
Pepper and salt
A combination of salt and pepper is antibacterial, analgesic
also anti-inflammatory remedy. Mix all of them and add a few drops of water.
Apply and let it stay there for a couple of minutes.
Guava leaves
Guava leaves have potent antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory
and analgesic properties and you chew its fresh leaves until their juice comes
out. You can use a mouthwash made from guava leaves to relieve pain. Boil some
of them in water, and add salt when the mixture is cooled.
Vanilla extract
Extract has some alcohol in it, and it has a numbing effect.
Combines with the relaxing and soothing scent of vanilla,amazing powerful
weapon against toothache is formed. Apply vanilla extract on a cotton ball and
rub it on painful area. Or, put some of it on your fingers then rub the area.
Source : healthyfoodworld