27 July, 2016

When you search on internet  you can find a lot of information about the Himalayan salt and its benefits. But there are many people that are not realizing the fact that unlike the usual table salt, this salt has more than 84 minerals and elements(natural) that our body contains and are good for our vitality and health. Body cells can easily absorb the minerals because they are small enough (in a ionic state).
Salt therapy is not new
Even though the salt rooms are new in America, they have been used for more than 200years in Eastern Europe, because of their therapeutic purposes. They were used by ancient Greeks who had lung and respiratory issues. In the U.S. salt therapy rooms became more known with the many wellness businesses and spas’ salt-rooms. Salt is well known about its anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Some of the people are visiting the salt mines that can help them to get rid of the all-kind respiratory issues, such as hay fever, asthma, allergies and congestion, and there are also people who gather in the popping big cities salt-rooms like in London, New York and Orlando.

You don’t have to spend all that money to travel that far for the Himalayan salt’ benefits, you can just add the salt to your daily diet and routines. It is available in many forms(lamps, blocks, slabs, rocks, for culinary purpose, salt for baths…).

Salt inhalers’ benefits
There are salt inhalers which are combination of the old world and the modern technology. The small H. salt rocks are in the inhaler’s bottom, so when you are inhaling, the natural air moisture is absorbing the particles of salt into the lungs. This is helpful in reducing the lungs inflammation and many other issues like allergies, asthma, hay fever, sinus congestion and colds. It is great that these kinds of inhalers do not have negative side-effects, unlike the traditional ones’.
  • Salt can help you to reduce the excess mucous and it is an all-natural expectorant. By reducing mucous, it may eliminate coughing in the night time and post nasal-drip and that means that your sleep will be improved.
  • There are 84 natural minerals that Himalayan salt contains that are consisted in human body.
  • This therapy can help in reducing the nasal passages’ swelling and redness.
  • Inhalers can also reduce the inflammation and irritation caused from smoke and pollutants.
  • Himalayan salt has anti-fungal, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties.
This is how you can use the salt inhaler:
Take a ceramic inhaler(not a plastic one) and place the Himalayan salt rocks according the directions from the package. The inhaler’s mouth piece should be placed in the mouth and you should breathe through your mouth and exhale from your nose. The inhaler is only for a dry therapy and that is why you shouldn’t add any water. Salt ions will be brought to your lungs with deep and slow breaths and after the lungs absorb them, they bring ions into the blood circulation. It can help in reducing the inflammation and the lungs pain caused by bronchitis, pneumonia or asthma.

This inhaler is recommended to be used only from one person, not shared. That means that every family member must have inhaler that is going to be used just by him or her. Some people may see results from the Himalaya salt inhaler after just few days of using, but it is proven that more benefits and better results will be proven with consistent and regular use.

How you can refill your salt inhaler
If you have to refill your inhaler with salt, you can just open the plastic stopper and throw the used one and refill with fresh crystal Himalayan salt and in the end put the stopper back. You should know that you must never refill the inhaler with something else but with Himalayan salt!

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