29 June, 2015

Don't you like to change your way? It will be change our life with more love and more happy. Most of us are too young to know about old-fashioned dating habits. But if you’ve seen old movies, then you know men used to call a lady to ask her on a date several days before. 

Then come date night, he’d show up all dressed up at her door with a bouquet of flowers, and take her to the movies. What if old-fashioned dating habits came back in style?

01. Getting picked up at the door.
No more of this texting or calling to say “I’m outside”, but actually getting out of the car and walking to the door. It takes just a minute and makes all the difference in the world. It’s a date, it’s special, and should be treated as such.

02. Bring a small gift or flowers.
It’s thoughtful, kind, and a way of showing affection. Whenever I visit a friend, I always bring a little gift, whether it be a card, some fruit, or pieces of chocolate. It’s a nice little gesture to show that you care. Never go empty handed.

03. Dress up for a date.
I don’t mean wear a formal, but at least wear nice clothes and put some effort into your appearance. Wear the special dress you’ve been saving, or the new shirt you got for your birthday that you haven’t gotten to wear yet. Dress to impress.

04. Ask someone out on a REAL date.
None of this “meet you there” or “hanging out.” I have girlfriends who tell me all the time… “no one ever asks them out on official dates…” It’s easy, you just call someone and ask them out on a date, or ask them in person. No texting either.

05. Open the car door for your date.
This will surely get your date’s attention. I knew a guy who always opened and closed the car door for me and I was charmed by his chivalry. Unfortunately, I found out later that his door didn’t shut and close properly, and he only was doing that so it wouldn’t rattle. Oh well!

06. Make introductions.
If you’re out on a date with someone and you see an old friend who you want to stop and chat with, ALWAYS introduce your date. Even if you forget the person’s name. It’s just plain rude if you don’t.

07. Don’t expect sex.
A person might flirt with you and may really like you, but that doesn’t mean the two of you will be having sex, so don’t ever assume it. It will happen if and when you are BOTH ready. Always be respectful.

08. Put the cell phone away.
Remember when you were a kid eating dinner with the family? No one dared to use the phone while everyone was eating. We need to be able to communicate to the person we’re with… the person sitting right in front of us. We have all the time in the world to use our cell phones when other people aren’t around.

09. Send a homemade card or romantic gesture to show you care.
Write a poem or song, paint something, or give a little handmade surprise. It’s a great way to let the person know you’re thinking of them. My boyfriend has given me many cards over the years, but my absolute favorites are the homemade ones. I cherish them.

10. Be clear on where you stand with each other.
Most people are a little shy when it comes to asking, but it needs to be known after spending time together. Are we a couple? Are we seeing each other exclusively? It can be very confusing and people can get hurt, so just be direct.

What do you think, will these old-fashioned ways come back in style? If you liked these ideas, share them with your friends and family. Maybe one of them has a date this weekend!
[Credits lifebuzz]

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