25 July, 2015

Life is a Struggle. Some time we don’t accept it.. But we have to Accept. This is one of the most powerful videos I have ever seen about Unconditional Love of Man's Best Friend. Animal don’t apply conditions before they love to people.

We have a lesson to learn.. No one was born here to live without love. We all want love from others and we have to love each others. No Matter it’s a human or a Animal. But don’t apply conditions before you love; such as color, beauty etc.

This is so heart melting. Actually make me cry. So how we treat people or animal, they will treat us like we did. And Nature will react for that too..

Here’s the Video. Watch it and Share it.

Video Creditshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSH8PYmYDBo      Via : [upvines.net]

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