09 June, 2015

Nothing can be better than love. And nobody loved us like our parents did.

If you have kids, you know that some parents will do anything in the world to help keep their children safe.

The parents of a young girl diagnosed with a rare and deadly disease have raised more than half a million dollars in the past two weeks thanks to a viral video which helps explain their plight.

Glenn and Cara O'Neill's 4-year-old daughter Eliza was diagnosed with Sanfilippo Syndrome Type A in July.

The rare genetic disorder causes pre-school children to first lose the ability to speak, then to walk before they develop seizures. Most suffers don’t live far into their teens.

Here’s the Video. Ready your tissues. This will be melting your Hart. Please Share.
Video Via : The VonWong                                                                             Image : Video snapshot 
Click here to see the report that was published on DailyMail.

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