26 June, 2015

Parents are responsible for teaching their children important lessons of life. The child’s mind is like wet clay: whatever he or she hears and sees leaves a lasting impression. They are innocent, sensitive, and need lots of affection! You can place them in your lap and teach them values; try to talk to them instead of instructing them. As parents you need to spend quality time with them and also follow the same rules you are teaching your child if you want them to listen to you.

It is said that words make the greatest impact. Using simple phrases can help to gain your child’s obedience and this will enable you to teach those good habits and values they must know. Here is a list of things you can tell your child every day.

What will you tell your child every day?
It is important that your child learns basic etiquette and habits before he or she attends pre-school. This will make your child smart and confident enough to strike up a conversation with others! A child’s social and emotional development is as important as their physical development. So as a parent you have to know the factors that affect their social and emotional development and teach them the required skills.

1. “I love you.”
You can start your day by saying this to your kid or you can plant a kiss on their little cheeks to show affection. This phrase might mean three simple words to you, but for your child it means a lot! Your affection reassures her or him.

2. “How was your day?”
As a parent, it is important that you show interest in their daily activities. Suppose you have sent your child to a daycare center while you work; after coming back home, the first thing you should ask is, “How was your day?” It is always great to hear their little anecdotes!

3. “Say please.”
If you want your child to have good manners, teach them to say “please” before they place a request.

4. “Thank you” & “you’re welcome.”
If you want your child to have impeccable manners, you have to teach the importance of saying thank you and you’re welcome. Suppose your child receives a gift on his birthday and starts tearing the wrapping paper in excitement without saying a thank you to the person who gave the gift. Don’t shy away from saying “shouldn’t you say thank you?” in public. This may embarrass your child a bit, but it will make him more aware.

5. “Never give up.”
When the child grows up, he has to join the rat race, so why not teach him how to take on challenges from childhood? Teach your child the importance of perseverance and patience when it comes to reaching their goals. You can also play puzzles and other brain games; this will not only help to keep the child’s mind agile, it will also teach the child to take up challenges.

6. “You win.”
An encouraging word always boosts confidence. If your child has won a race or completed a puzzle or game successfully, always say “you win.” This will give the child a taste of success and what it means to become a winner.

7. “Text me when you get there.”
As parents, you are always worried about your child’s safety, and why not? After all, they are your little treasure. It is a good idea to give them mobile phones to save yourself from a heart attack! Always tell them to text you “I’m here” once they reach their destination. This gives you some peace of mind.

However, keep a tab on how your child is using the mobile phone. Your child is still immature and needs guidance, so keep checking their contact lists and messages without interfering too much. It is important to show that you care about their privacy.

8. “It’s your choice.”
As your child grows up, you have to teach them to make their own decisions and handle their own responsibilities. This will help to build their confidence, so say “it’s your choice” when you want them to make a call on something.

9. “How are your friends?”
Always try to know your child’s friend circle. Know the names of their friends. It is said that the company a person chooses can make or break him. This is true, so keep a tab on the kind of friends your child selects. Your child may pick up both good and bad habits from their friends because they tend to emulate others, so correct their bad habits first. You can also arrange for parties at home and invite your child’s friends to play team building activities. Your child will simply love this!

10. “Don’t waste food.”
Children want to eat what they like. Often due to peer influence, they demand junk food. As a parent you have to be strict if your child wastes food; you have to rebuke them. It is a challenging task to make healthy foods tasty on daily basis.

You can probably prepare some healthy and tasty nibbles for them. You can inculcate healthy food habits in your child by repeating phrases, like “eat everything on your plate,” “don’t waste food,” “you have to eat everything if you want to become like Popeye the sailor man!”

11. “Tell the truth.”
Teach your child the value of honesty. Children tend to hide things from their parents since they are afraid of being scolded. You have to coax them to tell the truth always and teach them why it is important. This will make your child open up their secrets more easily.

In addition to these other phrases, you can also say something like “you are always on my mind” to show your affection. You can also say “love and respect others” to teach them to empathetic. Always boost their self-esteem and confidence by telling them they are beautiful and intelligent. Happy parenting!


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