29 April, 2016

Spine problems often cause pain in completely different parts of the body. Then you start treating other diseases, but, of course, there is no effect.
This is why it is highly important to pay attention to the spine.

If you feel back pain, you can tell which part of the spine is affected by noticing anomalies, thus pointing problems related to a certain organ.

This infographic will help you learn how organs are skillfully linked the spine:
70% of headache occur from the spine.

Tinnitus, difficulty when swallowing, vision problems – all this can be a consequence of intervertebral disc dysfunction.

If you feel tingling or pain in your hands, check your spine in the neck area.

Problems with chest part of the spine can cause pain in the area of the heart, stomach and intestines.

Problems with the lumbar spine can be manifested as pain in the hips, thighs, reducing sensitivity in the legs, as well as walking.

Accordingly, treatment and strengthening the spine can help you get rid of the problems with other organs.

Hope this Article will be help to you. You can share this information with your friends and help them to be healthy.
29 Apr 2016

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