03 May, 2016

Nowadays lot of people thinks twice about their health. And also they don’t like to get medicine. They like to maintain their health with natural ways.

Most doctors will agree that these healthy tips can aid in treating many diseases. Adopt these habits and enjoy your health boost.
They are great for overall health if turned into habit.
  • Look into the Sun in the first hour after sunrise or before sunset. Start with 10 seconds, and increase every day for 10 seconds. Stand with barefoot on dry ground or concrete while looking in the sun.
  • Drink water without fluoride or filter tap water.Natural spring water is the best option.  Leave the water exposed to sunny rays for few hours in a clear, colorless, glass bottles to absorb solar energy. Don’t leave it outside during the night.
  • Do exercises on  fresh air, in the park every day. That’s one of the best methods for detoxification.
  • Take a walk; take a deep breath in the fresh air in the morning and evening for at least 20 minutes.
  • Make sure you go to bed early, somewhere between 10pm and 2am. Human body secretes healing hormones in this period. Live according to the rhythm of the sun.
  • Replace commercial cosmetics with natural.
  • Consume more raw fruits and vegetables. Grains are also great for your organism. Reduce the intake of products of animal origin.
  • Remove products with artificial sweeteners.
  • Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, black tea, chewing gum, and canned goods.
  • Keep a smile always on your face, be always positive, it will speed up the secretion of therapeutic hormones.
  • Don’t think or speak negatively about yourself or others, because your subconscious follows your thoughts. Act as if everything is fine with you.
  • Forgive yourself and others. If you forgive, you free yourself of hatred and anger which has negative effect on the secretion of hormones and damaging our health. Forgiving others, you will help yourself.
  • Specialists think that the ideal diet is totally raw plant foods. Eat almonds and walnuts. Take 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil or 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds.
  • Even mental disease can be treated with raw plants and Sun.
Share these useful tips with others and make the world a better place to live in!
03 May 2016

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