22 April, 2016

Sweet potato is a unique type of potato that comes in different colors and has numerous healthy benefits. The most common sweet potato is the one with yellow-orange or white-cream flesh. If you see somewhere purple-fleshed sweet potatoes, buy them immediately because they`re loaded with antioxidants.

The beta-carotene is to blame for its sweetness. It is used by our body for generation of vitamin A, which is why it is referred to as Provitamin A. If you have the chance to buy purple-fleshed sweet potatoes, you should get them at the same moment because they are a great source of antioxidants (even more than blueberries).
1. Perfect for Diabetics: Sweet potatoes contain natural sugars that help diabetic reduce and stabilize their insulin resistance and regular their blood sugar levels.

2. Digestion: Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fibers which help prevent colon cancer and relieve constipation.

3. Prevents Emphysema: Smokers are deficient in vitamin A and get emphysema (damaging of the air sacs). Sweet potatoes contain carotenoids which the body uses to produce vitamin A and which help in the regeneration of the respiratory system.

4. Immune System: Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin D which is important for the functioning of the thyroid gland, for the teeth, bones, heart, skin, and energy levels.

5. Healthy Heart: The potassium contained in the sweet potatoes negates the sodium impact and improves the heart function. It also regulates blood pressure and balances electrolytes. Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamin B6 which can help to prevent strokes, degenerative diseases and heart attacks.

6. Healthy Muscles and Tissues: The potassium can help athletes fight the muscle cramps and to reduce swelling. It can also provide them with energy and relax their muscle contractions. Sweet potatoes can regulate nerve signals and heartbeats as well.

7. Anti-Oxidant: Beta-carotene protects against breast and lung cancers, helps with asthma, gout and arthritis, and reduces aging effects.

8. Fetal Development: Sweet potatoes are loaded with folic acid which is essential for a healthy fetal tissue and cell development during pregnancy.

9. Anti-Stress: The magnesium found in the sweet potatoes functions as anti-stress agent, while the potassium regulates the water balance of the body, normalizes heartbeats and increases oxygen flow.

10. Vitamin C: Sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamin C, which is an essential vitamin for the functioning of the entire body.

11. Anemia: The iron contained in sweet potatoes helps fighting anemia because it plays the most important role in the production of producing white and red blood cells.

12. Youthful Skin: Use the water left from your boiled sweet potatoes for your skin. It will cleanse your pores, absorb impurities and sooth irritated spots. The Vitamin C helps the collagen production, while vitamin W improves the skin complexion. The anthocyanins can remove the wrinkles, the dark circles of your eyes and the puffiness of your eyes.

13. Premenstrual Symptoms: Manganese and iron contained in the sweet potatoes can treat many premenstrual symptoms.

14. Quality Hair: The beta-carotene helps hair growth and prevents hair damaging and the appearance of dandruff.

15. Minerals: The vital minerals such as potassium, manganese, calcium, magnesium and iron are essential for the carbohydrate, protein and enzyme metabolic processes.
22 Apr 2016

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